Thursday, January 12, 2012

Odd dream that's been bugging me...?

A few nights ago, I had a dream where I was walking around in a dark, foggy cave, with a bunch of other people. Everyone, including I, was wearing white robes, with odd, curtain-ish fuchsia sleeves. I knew, in my dream, that everyone around me was mormon, my family's religion.

For some reason or another, I ripped off the sleeves, and the white robes turned into an beautiful sleeveless white dress, with silver sparkles on the edges.

Everyone in the cave turned away from me, and ignored my presence.

I spoke, particularly to a man with short grey and white hair in front of me, who was their leader. I was speaking in a loud, booming voice, much unlike my own.

I said "You dareth ignore me? Turn away, ashamed? If your 'God' is real, then he would be saddened by what you doeth."

And then I awoke.

It was very weird, and I'm not sure what it means, but for some reason it stuck in my head, and I can recall specific details easily.

What do you think it means?

Odd dream that's been bugging me...?
You are challenging your beliefs and your religion. You have come to realize that maybe the Mormon faith is not right for you. However, instead of turning to evil, you truly believe in God and your put your faith and trust in him.

I would have to say that you may soon be finding yourself breaking away from your family's faith and following a different Christian faith. The reason they all turned from you was their way of rejecting your decision in reality. But you tried to save them by challenging their faith and beliefs. You were trying to convince the others to join your faith and beliefs.

By the way, I have some family members who are Mormon. Even though I may not agree with all their beliefs, I still respect them and their faith as they respect me and my faith as well. I was raised Lutheran but turned more toward just being spiritual but not religious. Meaning I believe in God, Jesus Christ, and that there is a heaven and a hell. But I don't follow any one faith's sacraments and beliefs.
Reply:It means that Mormonism is false and they don't like it if you think about things yourself. Originality in the church is discouraged.

you're a bad girl. that's what it means.
Reply:cave can signify if like...everyone in the cave was spreading rumors about one another...

the whole fact that u were all wearing white signified purity...but the way you changed and into a white gown and the words u say would mean u have doubts of ur own religion deep inside ur mind.

white: purity, spiritual, peacful.

the grey hair on teh man can be interpreted as : undecided mood, aniticipatry, and waiting...

just think about it and try to put two adn two together
Reply:First being in a dark cave with fog represents being in a place where you are walking in spiritual darkness and unclear to see the truth. Your tearing away of your sleeves and then it turning into a beautiful sleeveless white dress represents your tearing away from your old beliefs and traditions which you were taught. For this reason, people of your old belief will turn away from you and ignore you. The loud booming voice you spoke in represents the new authority you will walk in in Christ. God is showing you that He will use you as a light unto people in your former religion and you will shine. Those who ignore to see the light God puts on you will do so to their own shame.
Reply:you want out. and deep down, you're not ashamed of it. the fog, the "curtain-ish sleeves," the confident rebuke of their elder and the rest of them turning away from you, it all speaks of someone who has decided that this is all shrouding her from her true path. subconsciously, you have decided to move on to something else, and your conscious mind is just catching up.
Reply:Dreams or nothing else but the thoughts which we have in our subconscious and come up while sleeping.

There is another very interesting reason for the dreams and it is that if you feel thirst while sleeping and your body needs water badly you will find yourself intensely thirsty in your dream and it will make you wake up. I remember one of my dreams like this. One night while sleeping I dreamed that I was feeling severe pain in my kidney due to weight of something on it and I was trying to remove it. The pain was so severe that I woke up and saw one leg of my sleeping wife exactly on my kidney and I was actually feeling pain.

There is nothing secret involved in dreams or nightmares which can effect our fate. These just reveal on us how we think about different things.
Reply:you are questioning your religion - something you feel should be reasonable and normal - but others around you are not happy abouit this - you maybe feel other forms of Christianity are OK (represented by the 'new sleeves') and simialr to Mormonism but that other Mormons would not approve of this thinking and would reject you - even though they should not, and you feel that God (your new voice) would not either.

To dream that you are walking in a dark cave, signifies refuge or the unconscious mind. It also denotes that you experience some unexpected misfortune or disagreement.


To dream that darkness comes upon you, signifies failure in work you may attempt. Darkness is synonymous with the ignorance, unconscious, evil, death, and fear of the unknown. You will overcome your failure if the sun breaks through the darkness.

To dream that you cannot find someone in the darkness, signifies that you need to keep your temper in check. You have the tendency to let your emotions get out of control and lose your temper.

To dream that you are lost in the darkness, denotes feelings of desperation, depression, or insecurity.

To dream that you are groping around in the darkness, symbolizes that you have insufficient information to make a clear decision. Do your research and do not rush into making choices.


To see people you know in your dream, signifies qualities and feelings of those people that you desire for yourself.

To see people you don't know in your dream, denotes hidden aspects of yourself that you need to confront.

To see people from your past in your dream, refers to your shadow and other unacknowledged aspects of yourself. It can represent a waking situation that is bringing out similar feelings as your past relationships.


White represents purity, perfection, peace, innocence, dignity, cleanliness, awareness, and new beginnings. You may be experiencing a reawakening or have a fresh outlook on life. However, in Eastern cultures, white is associated with death and mourning.


To dream that you or someone is yelling, represents repressed anger that need to be expressed. If you are yelling and no one hears, then it suggests that you are not being heard. You feel that your voice does not matter.


To dream that you are holding or expressing anger, symbolizes frustrations and disappointments in your Self. You tend to repress your negative emotions or project your anger onto others. You need to look within yourself.

Being angry in your dream may have been carried over from your waking life. Dreams can function as a safe outlet where you can express your strong and/or negative emotions. You have some suppressed anger and aggression that you have not consciously acknowledged.


To see God in your dream, signifies your spirituality and expression of your feelings about divinity. God also symbolizes an untouchable, unreachable, and unattainable notion of perfection. Thus such a dream may highlight your struggles and attempts with trying to be perfect.

To dream that you are worshipping God, signifies repentance of your actions and errors.

To dream that God speaks to you, signifies feelings of guilt, eternal punishment, and damnation.

To dream that you are a god, implies your own special talents which you have not yet recognized or have not fully developed. Alternatively, it suggests your feelings of superiority over others.

Hope I've Helped Some!



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